Contract Extension Addendum Template

A contract extension addendum can be a handy tool for businesses and individuals when negotiations or cooperation have gone longer than expected. This Contract Extension Addendum Template will help you quickly draw up a legal document that will extend existing obligations as required.

This Contract Extension Addendum (the "Addendum"), for the (state the name of the Contract) (the "Contract"), is entered into as of [Document.CreatedDate] ​ by and between [PrimaryParty.FirstName] [PrimaryParty.LastName] (the "Primary Party") and [SecondaryParty.FirstName] [SecondaryParty.LastName] (the "Secondary Party"), referred to herein collectively as the "Parties."

1. Purpose

1.1 The purpose of this Addendum is to extend the Contract until a specific date (the "Extended Termination Date") as set forth herein.

1.2 This Extended Termination Date shall be the date upon which either Party may terminate the Contract without further liability or consequence, as more fully outlined in this Addendum.

2. Obligations of the Parties

2.1 The parties agree to continue performing all duties, obligations, and responsibilities outlined in the Contract during the Extended Term.

2.2 Both parties shall remain responsible for any outstanding balance or financial obligations to the Contract until the Extended Termination Date.

2.3 The Parties also agree that any amendments made to the Contract before or during this extended period shall be binding upon both parties unless expressly agreed otherwise.

3. Amendment

It’s vital to remind all parties that this document is an extension of the original Contract, and any changes made to it are binding. If a party thinks the Addendum replaces the original Contract in ways that are not intended, it could lead to confusion or conflict.

3.1 This Addendum shall be considered an amendment to the Contract and is subject to all terms and conditions of said Agreement.

3.2 This Addendum shall not replace or supersede any prior amendments, modifications, or other provisions of the Contract unless explicitly stated herein.

3.3 All prior agreements between the Parties remain in effect, with this Addendum added as a supplement.

3.4 Any conflict between the provisions of this Addendum and those of the Contract will be resolved in favor of this Addendum.

3.5 The Parties may amend this Agreement by written consent signed by both parties, provided that such amendment does not alter any existing obligations either Party has under the Contract.

3.6 Amendments will become binding upon execution by both parties, after which they will be included as part of the Contract for all purposes.

4. Confidentiality

A confidentiality section on the Addendum will help ensure it stays safe. Some risks of not having a confidentiality section include reputational damage, financial losses due to theft or misuse of information, and legal issues.

4.1 Both Parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of all confidential and proprietary information exchanged during this Contract Extension.

4.2 The Parties agree that they shall use the Confidential Information only for fulfilling obligations under this Contract Extension Addendum unless either Party has prior written consent from the other.

4.3 The Parties further agree that any Confidential Information disclosed by one Party will be kept strictly confidential by the other Party, except where disclosure is required by law or court order.

4.4 The Parties agree that any breach of confidentiality will result in damages for which the breaching Party shall be liable and that parties are entitled to seek such remedies as injunctive relief, specific performance, and compensatory damages.

5. Severability

5.1 If any provision of this Addendum shall be held invalid or unenforceable, the remainder shall continue in full force and effect.

5.2 The Parties agree that such provision may be replaced with a valid and enforceable provision that achieves the Parties' intent in entering this Agreement as closely as possible.

5.3 In no event is either Party liable for any costs, loss of profits, or other damages sustained or incurred because of impracticability or frustration of performance under this Addendum.

6. Waiver

6.1 No waiver by either Party of any breach of this Addendum shall be considered a waiver of any other or subsequent breach unless explicitly agreed in writing and signed by both Parties.

6.2 No failure or delay on the part of either Party in exercising its rights under this Agreement will operate as a waiver thereof, nor will any single or partial exercise preclude further enforcement thereof.

6.3 All waivers must be in writing and executed by both Parties to be effective.

6.4 Neither party may assign their respective obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other Party.

7. Term and Termination

This section will help you determine how long the Addendum is in effect, what happens if either Party decides to terminate it early, and any other rules or regulations governing the end of the Agreement. Not including a Term and Termination section could lead to disputes.

7.1 The term of the Contract shall be extended for a period commencing on (state the date) (the "Original Termination Date") and ending on (state the date) (the "Extended Termination Date").

7.2 The Parties agree to abide by all the terms, conditions, and provisions outlined in the Contract as amended by this Addendum.

7.3 This extension shall not affect any other rights, obligations, or terms of the Contract.

8. Jurisdiction

It’s essential to make sure that everyone involved in the Agreement is comfortable with the choice of jurisdiction and laws in case a dispute arises. Leaving it in the air or failing to specify could lead to costly and time-consuming misunderstandings.

8.1 This Addendum and all its provisions shall be governed and interpreted by (state what the Agreement shall be construed and governed by).

8.2 If either Party doesn't comply with any term or condition set forth herein, the non-breaching Party may bring suit in a court of competent jurisdiction for enforcement and shall be entitled to recover from the breaching Party reasonable attorneys' fees and costs.

8.3 The Parties agree that this Addendum shall be binding upon each of their respective successors and assigns as if such successor or assign were a signatory hereto.

The Parties acknowledge that they have read and understood this Addendum, agreeing to its terms as of [Document.CreatedDate] :