Looking for fall coloring pages? We’ve got you covered! Below you’ll find our collection of free printable fall coloring pages that are great for both kids and adults. And they’re all free for you to download and print!
Falling leaves, acorns, owls, scarecrows and more! These fall coloring sheets are a great activity for a crisp fall day or a sunny autumn afternoon.
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Here’s how to use these fall coloring sheets:
There’s no better fall activity than raking a giant pile of leaves. Stand back, take a running jump and leap into your pile of brightly colored leaves!
Apples, corn, pumpkins and squash – autumn is the best time of year for a bountiful harvest!
Can you hear the wonderful, crisp crunch of the leaves below your feet as you walk on a cool autumn day? The orange, red, yellow and emerald colors of autumn leaves make fall such a beautiful time of year!
Grab a handful of colorful leaves and throw them up into the air. Playing in the leaves is one of the best things to do on a fall day!
Whoo, hoooooo says the wise old owl as he sits on a branch. Patiently watching as the beautiful colored leaves fall from the tree around him.
Friendly Mr. Scarecrow sitting in the field, watching over our wheat and corn crops to keep them safe from hungry visitors.
What is autumn? Autumn is a beautiful old tree, losing it’s brightly colored leaves on a crisp day, getting ready for the long winter’s sleep ahead.
Look out the window. Can you spot 1, 2 or maybe even 3 squirrels collecting acorns for winter from the old oak tree?
Sunflowers are beautiful in the late summer and fall, as they stretch up above all the other flowers in the garden, reaching out for the sky.
When you look out the window, or go on a walk in the forest, can you spot a pair of birds? They’re often not very far from one another.
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