Wayfinder's Guide to eberron

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Witcher, R.E. (2014) New Book Chronicle. Antiquity, 88(341): 1007-1020.

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In this paper I've explored some works of contemporary fantasy fiction through the lens of Joseph Campbell's The Hero with a Thousand Faces. The fantasy genre's formulaic similarity with ancient mythology illustrates the genre's importance to the collective imagination, and the universal need for a sense of enchantment in the modern world.

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The Present of Antiquity Reception, Recovery, Reinvention of the Ancient World in Current Popular Culture

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This paper considers cities in single-player fantasy role-playing games, identifying recurring tropes in terms of the spatial functions by which they shape the player’s lived experience of the gameworld. The functions of centring, demarcation of inside and outside, movement and encounter will be considered, both in terms of the spatial organizations determining them, and in terms of the spatial practices they give rise to. The analysis shall be anchored in a close engagement with a number of representative titles, including Baldur’s Gate, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Dragon Age: Origins, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and The Witcher III: The Wild Hunt.

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