Penalties for Fair Housing Violations

Gavel and small wooden home.

Penalties for Fair Housing violations can vary depending on whether the case is processed via court, HUD, or elsewhere. Penalties can include fines, punitive damages, and attorney fees. This is why it’s important to follow a consistent process with every applicant and keep clear records of communications along the way.

Consult a Lawyer

If you get involved in a housing lawsuit, consult a lawyer with experience defending against discrimination claims. There are multiple ways a claim may be filed against you, including tenant complaints to a private lawyer, an investigation by a watchdog group, or a discovery made by a HUD tester posing as a renter in order to find any discriminatory actions made by landlords. If the organization concludes that a landlord is discriminating against certain tenants, they can file a complaint or lawsuit against said landlord independently.

If you’re found to be in violation of Fair Housing laws, penalties can include:

Additionally, HUD keeps a record of all charges that are filed through them and makes this information publicly available , which means past cases of housing discrimination will not be quick to disappear.