Meeting the needs of gifted and talented students

Gifted and talented students benefit from rigorous, relevant and engaging learning opportunities based on the Australian Curriculum content. ACARA acknowledges that numerous models of curriculum adjustment for gifted and talented students are available; specific models may be referenced in jurisdictional resources.

Gifted and talented students:

Definition of students who are gifted and talented

There is no universally accepted definition of students identified as gifted and talented. A common understanding is that giftedness and talent in students result in their displaying a selection of characteristics at home and school that are significantly above the average for their age.

It is difficult to estimate the total number of gifted and/or talented students in Australian schools. Estimations are dependent on the methods and models used to identify gifted and/or talented students; however, many consider ten per cent to be a reasonable guide.

Planning for students who are gifted and talented

The following points should be considered in developing personalised learning plans for gifted and talented students: